Vehicle Brake System

The purpose of your brakes is to ensure that every single time you drive, the lives of you and those you care for are kept safe in the event of a sudden stop. We take vehicle safety incredibly seriously at AVR Automotive. That’s why we work so hard to not only repair and maintain brakes. But also, to ensure that our clients are made aware of how crucial it is to have the brakes on their vehicle checked regularly.

A check at home with the help of Google may seem like the cost-efficient idea. But only a qualified mechanic can ascertain whether your brakes are fit for purpose and will bring you to a complete stop in the event of an emergency.

If you suspect that your vehicle might be coming to a sudden stop slower than normal, or travelling even after you hit the brake pedal, it’s time to trust the automotive experts at AVR to keep you and your passengers safe.

Vehicle Brake System

Book your car in for a spin on our Vehicle Safety Test Lane

Fitted out with the latest in safety testing technology, our in-house vehicle lane lets us test your car like never before. During our intensive investigation process, we perform brake power testing as well as a dynamic shock absorber test. This lets us take a closer look at your car in motion and make sure everything is working exactly as it should be.

We then compile a detailed report based on the data gained during the test and advise you on any possible problems that may need to be amended. Our test lane is a great way of taking a far more detailed look at the safety performance of your car and we encourage its use to let us help you provide a more secure driving experience for you and your passengers.

Keeping your brakes working optimally is a no-brainer

Even taking the human element out of the equation, it’s absolutely crucial to keep your brakes maintained. Crashes happen every single day throughout Brisbane and more often than not the damage completely writes off the vehicle in question. Save yourself from the potential heartache of losing your vehicle for good, with a regular brake service and replacement from our helpful staff at AVR Automotive.

With years of experience working on braking systems, we quickly diagnose your brakes and recommend a course of action to maintain the safety of your vehicle. We also do our best to price our products and services as competitively as possible, so you can enjoy complete safety in your car, without the hit to your wallet.

Signs that your Vehicle Brake System Needs Checking

Always keep an eye and an ear out for signs that your brakes might be starting to fail or act unusually. It always pays to be vigilant, as booking in for a brake service early can save you serious money.

Look out for the following signs that your brake system might be faulty:

  • Unusual vibrations during braking
  • Slight swerving of the car when the brake is applied
  • A strange burning smell after medium to heavy braking periods
  • A spongey brake pedal that doesn’t feel responsive when pressured
  • Complete compression of the brake pedal fails to brake quickly
  • Your car taking longer than usual to come to a complete stop
  • Your brake pedal bouncing or moving unusually under your foot
  • Fluid leaks in and around where the brakes are situated in your vehicle

If you suspect one or more of these issues are affecting the ability of your car to brake effectively, then book in today for a comprehensive check and a run on our vehicle safety test lane.

We quickly diagnose any issues and based on the data gained from your vehicle test and quickly conduct repairs to get you back on the road in no time.

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