Auto Services Brendale

At AVR Automotive, we offer comprehensive maintenance and repair services.  These include routine oil changes, complex diagnostics, wheel and tyre alignment and battery testing and replacement. Our expert technicians are trained to work on all vehicle makes and models. If you live in Brendale, Queensland and its surrounding areas, we are your one-stop auto repair workshop.

Auto Services Brandale

AVR Automotive Comprehensive Services

  • 24-Hour Towing
  • Air conditioning service
  • Air Filter Replacement
  • Alternators
  • Batteries
  • Brake Inspection, Service & Repair
  • Brake Repair & Service
  • Change/Flush
  • Coolant/Antifreeze
  • Diagnose Check Engine Lights
  • Diesel Repair
  • Drive Axles
  • Emission System Repairs
  • Exhaust & Muffler Service/Repair
  • Fleet Services
  • Fuel Injection Cleaning
  • Heating Systems
  • Oil Change & Lube Service
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Radiators
  • Scheduled Maintenance
  • Starters
  • Suspension
  • Timing Belt Replacement
  • Towing Services & Emergency Repairs
  • Transmission Service & Repair
  • Tune-ups
  • U-joints
  • Water Pumps
  • Welding & Hitches
  • Wheel & Tyre Alignment
  • Wheel Balancing
  • Wheel/Tyre Alignment
Wheel Alignment

The key to getting the best mileage and performance from your tyre is by proper alignment. When your car tyres are properly aligned, they will all point in the same direction. Alignment is done by adjusting your vehicle’s suspension not the tyres and wheels. Properly aligned wheels will afford you a safer, more comfortable and fuel-efficient drive. Let the technicians at AVR Automotive get your car moving in the right direction. We are well equipped and capable of performing wheel and tyre alignments on all vehicles.

Suspension and Steering Services

Vehicle brakes wear out with use, requiring servicing and ultimately repairs. The life cycle of your brakes depends on a number of factors such as how you brake and the driving conditions. This is why it is necessary to have your car brakes checked regularly. Regular checks help to identify potential issues before they become a threat to your safety. AVR Automotive will ensure your brake stopping power is at optimum levels and that your car is safe and sound as you leave our workshop.

Oil Service

AVR Automotive is a one-stop workshop for all vehicle maintenance and repair services in Brendale, Queensland and surrounding areas. Our oil change service is competitively priced for all trucks and cars.

Car Batteries

The vehicle transmission is the most important and complicated component of your truck or car. it is therefore vital to entrust its maintenance and repair to a full-service auto workshop. Some transmission issues require simple repairs. More complicated problems may require a complete transmission overhaul. At AVR automotive, our highly skilled technicians will audit your vehicle transmission and get you back on the road in the shortest possible time.

4WD Touring

If you have a small business in Brendale, Queensland or surrounding environs, our service desk can help you keep a record of your fleet maintenance. At AVR Automotive, our top aim is to have your vehicle spend the least possible time at our workshop. We will get your fleet running in well, with few breakdowns and maximum productivity.

Safety Certificates

The most effective way to prevent major breakdowns and its associated cost is by performing routine preventive maintenance on your vehicle. Preventive maintenance means adhering to your vehicle manufacturer instructions on how to keep your vehicle running on top form. Whether your vehicle is a diesel- or petrol-powered truck or car, AVR Automotive will provide a comprehensive preventive maintenance service to keep it running smoothly.

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